What is the purpose of the Library Tab?
The Library is used to display the widgets associated with each Briefing Book.
The Library provides the ability to display or remove a widget from a page, view metadata about the query on which the widget is based, or open the widget in Analysis Mode.
How does the Library Tab work?
To expand the Library tab, click on the Library tab on the left side of the Dashboard.
The widgets available to your currently displayed Briefing Book will be shown on this tab.
Widgets are created for Briefing Books by Designers or Administrators.
Using the search bar at the top will enable you to search through the widgets by keyword.
You can sort the widgets alphabetically by using the Sort Alphabetically On/Off button. When not sorted alphabetically, widgets are displayed according to how the Designer has ordered them.
Each Widget in the Library is represented by one row in the list.
The 'power button' is the first icon you see on each widget's row. Widgets may be displayed or removed from the current page by clicking on the 'power button'. When displayed, a widget's power button will glow green. When not displayed it will be grey.
Next to the 'power button' you can see an icon that represents the widget type. A purple icon is a Filter Widget, a green icon is a Repeat Location Widget, a brown icon is a Density Widget and a red icon is a Trend Widget.
Next to the widget type icon you can see the title of the widget.
The blue 'A' icon on the right side of the widget row will launch the widget in Analysis Mode.
The grey "i' icon on the right side of the widget row will display metadata about the widget, including the query parameters.
Library Tab
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